Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Flowers for Algernon: Pages 119-165

Charlie and Alice's relationship continues to struggle. Alice believes that after the operation Charlie became a different person. Alice decides they need a break and she won't be coming to the convention. A few days later Charlie, Dr. Strauss, and professor Nemur leave for the convention. When Charlie gets on the plane he is terrified. Then the flight attendant tells him he needs to buckle his seatbelt. Charlie suddenly has a flashback to when he was a child. His mother took him to a doctor to make him smarter and the doctor strapped Charlie to a table. Charlie doesn't want to put his seatbelt on, but he has no choice. Charlie relaxes with his seat belt on and the rest of the flight goes smoothly.

When they arrive at the convention all the scientists gather in a room with Dr. Strauss, Professor Nemur, Charlie and Algernon. Charlie feels very uncomfortable and has an urge to let Algernon out of his cage. After a few speeches, Charlie opens the door to Algernon's cage. This causes complete chaos. Charlie catches up to Algernon and decides to take Algernon and go catch an airplane to NYC.

While reading this book I had many thoughts going through my mind. I can’t believe how poorly Charlie’s mother treats him. I don’t understand how a mother could look at her own child and think of them as stupid. I’m curious to see what Charlie will do; he will need to find a job soon. He is going off to live on his own and he doesn’t know anyone. Will he be able to make friends? I wonder if Dr. Strauss and Professor Nemur will find Charlie and Algernon. I can’t wait to keep reading and updating you.

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